dewy decimal

2005-01-25 - 12:55 a.m.

I told Brandon I would call him back today when I saw Mirah and The Blow walking down Kalakaua Ave. I wanted to acknowledge the both of them but thought it might sound a little odd to my fellow pedestrians if I yelled out, "The Blow!" so I only called out, "Mirah!"

Then they both turned around, but it was The Blow who answered back, "Hey!", waving to me as they crossed over to the Royal Hawaiian Shopping Center. Then I felt bad for not saying "Hey Mirah and The Blow!" But that would've sounded weird too though.

When I got back to work I asked Marc if he could guess who I saw. I said that I'd give him one hint, K Records. He said he didn't know and I said, "Mirah and the Blow," and he started laughing. I asked him what was so goddamn funny and it turns out he thought I was talking about our two co-workers who had just left the store together because one of their last names is Mira and he thought it quite bemusing and comedic that I was referring to our other co-worker, Yuko, as "The Blow".

I laughed very hard at this.

slip - step

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