dewy decimal

2005-03-20 - 4:45 p.m.

Me and David are talking to this guy who is wearing a black rope with a huge shark's tooth round his neck and David asks him where he got it and the dude says he made it. Then he points to the tooth and says, "I bought this," and pinches the rope and says, "yeah, and I bought this too." David went, Aaah.

Why was I the only one to think that this was waaay funny.

Then my old friend, B, comes over. He used to be a batu (crystal) feind but feels soft now when he hugs me so I kow he's clean.

B tells me about a dream he had last night where he knew that he had to wake up early for his 7am shift (which he really did have) so the whole dream revolved around trying to score some batu so that he could wake up in time.

Funny, yeah?

slip - step

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