dewy decimal

2003-08-21 - 3:43 a.m.

5 days a week, I am trivialized by my occupation. Here are the people I work with that I thought may be of interest to you:

C.K.-Mother of three. Rips the filters off her American Spirit cigarettes. Refers to me as "babe." Plays live rock in collegiate bars. Enamored by silver Visigothic jewelry and saffron scarves. Smells like lavender on days when she's happy.

Herb-The guy is so nice; diabetics pop candy into their mouths and drink tall glasses of orange juice to pacify the seizures that he induces. Wears mad bling with rubber slippers. Has gold teeth and walks kinda like a penguin. Wears unconvincing blue contacts. Real name is Sean.

Ken-60 something grandfather. Is learning to ride his recently acquired motorcycle. Smokes USA Gold 100s. Occasionally inconveniences me like a piss in the middle of the night.

Lei Ana- Heard her request the "Ignition Remix" on HOT I-94, will not admit to it. Tries to impress people with four syllable words. Is ashamed of an expansive foot rash that she shows everyone at least twice.

More to come...

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