dewy decimal

2003-03-23 - 11:16 p.m.

j of fuckin christ i am so tired. i had a pretty mediocre weekend. i think the war that we forged into has definitely put a damper on my mood. as it probably should. it's like someone close to me has died and anything i say or do just feels insanely inappropriate. with that in mind, i resolve to not beat myself up over my thoughts too much. i just have to get it off my chest that i certainly see an uncanny resemblence between the late walter matthau and saddam hussein. anyways i really don't want to discuss political issues in my journal right now because my mind has already filled its caldera with visions of a tortured iraq.

had to work a full shift on friday because jeff and ara left to go on their east coast tour. it was pretty leisurely until i got back from lunch and then the proverbial shit hit the literal air conditioner. my panic was thoroughly circulated throughout the office as ad reps wanted their ads proofed or e mailed. editorial needed me to do the layouts for 5 features, not to mention the the need for me to change the layout about 5 times. considering that jeff has been doing the job for 4 years and i only started two months ago, i feel pretty damn proud of myself. although i was becomming disgruntled, i stopped myself before i became just plain old gruntled. i didn't totally finish everything but the production temp is coming in tomorrow and she's probably making waaay more bank than me so i'll just let that be her thing, sucka MC. Ha!

Got paid and i promised myself that i wouldn't spend all my money this weekend but it's sunday and i'm already down to a meager 25 bucks for the next two weeks.

me and shari hung out on friday and were going to go to the new hip hop thing at the House of Hong but i swear that scene is so fucking played out already, so we just sat on the curb outside and took shots of this fucking rancid shit called "99 bananas." then we proceeded to tikis where one of her love intrests, todd g, was working. i like him so much better than her last boyfriend, who she is still seeing once in a while, johnny fuckface, who hits her, crashed her car and fucked her over in every single way possible. ahhh what am i going to do with my crazy shari. right now i just gotta remind myself i can't do shit. if she's gonna continue to waste her time with that moron she should know that i still love her but don't come crying to me because i done told yo ass five billion times. after tikis we just smoked some chronic in the lot.

saturday was a little more fun. went to the controvery party in my guido inspired outfit. i wore my D&G t-shirt with sleeves rolled up with a electric blue mesh tank top over it. around my neck i was rockin some fat gold chains for days with some white slacks that i rolled up to my knees. i also got to rock my $9.99 sauconys. my outfit must have cost less than $40, not including the jewelry which was my grandmas. i am so thrifty yall. i suprise myself sometimes.

i danced like a maniac on the stage with tha possey. then we went to venus because david is visiting from new jersey and he's under 21. he's a little hottie. me, vanessa, alicia, val, everet, and david got there and seriously, we rolled in like the bad ass bitches we are. it was moderately fun with highs in the upper 80's. no hotties but oh well. mama told me in order to find my prince i gotta kiss some toads.

today i just had dinner with some old friends at ryan's and i wanted to go rent porno with loren and bruce becase i'm bored with all of mine but i don't have a credit card to open an account at dimond head video and hate going to rent gay porno by myself in aiea. i'm scared i'll get lynched in the parking lot westside style. so no porn for me.

well my pretties, i'm off to bed. i don't even have the energy to jerk off. what's becomming of me?

slip - step

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