dewy decimal

2004-02-29 - 5:05 a.m.

What's new with me, you ask.

I've been stomping in puddles, letting my hair get fucked up. There is a correlation between freedom, surrender and hair dos you know. We'll discuss this later.

Recently, I go everywhere with a .44 by my nuts.

Last night whenever I would dance I inevitably ended up just jumping up and down and found that I couldn't stop myself. Once you initiate that kind of energy, it starts feeding you and some people were looking at me thinking I had lost my mind. But on the other hand, I think I got other people jumping right along with me. heh. It's funny how people really feed off of the energy you put out even if it is in the form of jumping up and down for 2 hours like a goddamn nut, feeling just joy and gratitude and laughing out loud, not because anything is even particulary funny but just cause your smile couldn't stretch itself out any wider so it just up and explodes in that contagious sound. muhahahha

Last night, I went to Aaron's recently acquired house and when I got there, I found that I'd already been there twice because i know the former owner, Larry. I thought that it was pretty strange that I knew the house as well as Aaron did. I mean jeez, what are that chances!? A really beautiful fucking house too, nestled in the greens and wet of Manoa. You can crawl up their landscaped trail and sit in a jacuzzi propped on the fern-speckled hill and see the cityscape glowing and carrying on through such a silent distance.

Later, I went out with J and Erick and J's love interest who is so cute and looks like an orlando bloom except ethnic. I guess i'm a little jealous because who wouldn't want to hit that. But moreso because I really love J in a way that i don't think I understand. In a way that avoids such an understanding.

"I think that boy over there is cute," I point along the bar to the shadowy figure in one of those goddamn awful ricky martin peasant shirts.

"No Dust," J says in his whiny voice. "That makes me jealous when you say that."


"I don't like him, thats why."

"Yeah, me neither."

slip - step

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