dewy decimal

2004-01-28 - 4:48 a.m.

I'm so tired right now I could pass right the fuck out but I need to tell you some shit before I loose it all to the effects of the reefer.

Camping was fun! The sound and sight of Everett and Lee bickering as they errected the 10 man tent was priceless. Sure it ended up being comically lop-sided, marked by drastic droops and swoops, but for two queers who never camp, yeah, it was pretty fucking alright.

Waking up next to a bundled Astra, as the chickens were cock-a-doodle-dooing and the nightmarchers were marching at 3:00 in the morning was something of a relief. There was a point where I was so scared I didn't know whether I was going to laugh, shit or go blind. And its a horrible thing to say but I'm glad Astra was feeling the same things too. Fatigue. Terror.

Getting caught mid-hike in a dramatic bout of rain, clustering together for body heat, looking for dense leaf clusters in the canopy of trees to stand under, moping like sad kids, well that wasn't so bad. In fact I'd like to employ the word charming.

Finishing our hike and skipping in the glitter and drizzle of a glowing afternoon, down hill, asphalt washed in an ebbing pattern. Dirty as all hell but for some reason just feeling clean and see-through.

Eating fruit salad and pistachio nuts. Muddied up but drying. Retracing through thought, a satisfying and memorable day.

Thanks to Astra, Val, Everett, and Lee for an amusing camping trip. Thanks Mindy, Dan, Danika, and Leannne for stopping by and disclosing all of your sex secrets. I'm grateful.

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