dewy decimal

2003-09-15 - 4:50 a.m.

After adamant wishes against it, I shaved my head today. I look decisive, somehow a little more honest. I want to lick my wounds and get dirt on my face, feel a spanking wind graze through the buzz, sweep my scalp in cool scoops. The hair itself is a pinch away from being Nazi, bugs-height above monastic. I don't feel pretty. I feel pretty free.

I'm going to go and eat Vienna Sausage with ketchup. White rice and milk. I'm in an odd mood. I don't know why they call this shit "Vienna Sausage", trying make it sound all fancy and shit. They should call it "Pigs Nut Sausage", that's what it is you know? Veins and all.

slip - step

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